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为了证明我不是在摸鱼,放一段现在正在写的review(1 / 2)

其实写也不难,但是为了保证质量还是等我搞定眼前的这点事情再说。  这点东西是objective of research,这段没什么实际内容给人看看也无关痛痒。  ...The objective of this project is to develop an efficient, robust, adaptive, self-learnin systeby interatin neural chanis that overn dynacs at ltiple spatial-teoral scales as learned frotheoretical neuroscience...  顺便摘抄几句 re is different里面的段落,也是本书的指导思想:  A third insiht is that the state of a really bi systedoes not at all have to have the syetry of the laws which overn it in fact, it usually has less syetry The outstandin exale of this is the crystal: Built froa substrate of ato and space accordin to laws which express the perfect hoeneity of spaces the crystal suddenly and un- predictably displays an entirely new and very beautiful syetry The eneral rule, however, even in the case of the crystal, is that the lare systeis less syetrical than the underlyin structure would suest: Syetrical as it is, a crystal is less syetrical than perfect hoeneity.  (对称性破缺第四卷会非常详细地讨论)  。。。  For another exale, bioloy has certainly taken on a whole new aspect frothe reduction of enetics to biochestry and biophysics, which will have untold consequences. So it is not true, as a recent article would have it (7), that we each should “cultivate our own valley, and not attet to build roads over the untain ranes ... between the sciences.“  (不同层次的学科应该应用不同的研究方法)  。。。  The arroance of the particle physiK cist and his intensive research y be behind us (the discoverer of the positron said “the rest is chestry“), but we ha

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