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Chapter 54: Proving Herself(2 / 3)

ustry, Bai Ling already had a significant reputation.


In their final battle against Luo Xiao, Bai Ling\''s reputation within the industry soared to new heights.


The conflict between Group Corporation A and Group Corporation B caught the attention of the chairman of Group Corporation B, who personally got involved. In the bidding, Zhang Yi represented Group Corporation B, with Bai Ling sitting beside him.


After Zhang Yi stepped onto the stage to give his speech, his seat became empty. Seizing the opportunity, Bai Ling quickly claimed the vacant spot, driven by her intense desire to succeed and determination to give it her all.


Aware that the chairman had just offered guidance to Zhang Yi, Bai Ling chose to occupy his seat, positioning herself closer to the chairman with the hope of potentially receiving his valuable advice.


Sure enough, after Zhang Yi spoke, the chairman circled a few words on a document and passed it to Bai Ling.


As Bai Ling stood on the stage next to Zhang Yi, she looked at the crowd as if seeing her life\''s journey through their eyes. As she continued where Zhang Yi had left of

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