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Chapter 80: Making Choices(2 / 3)

her academic ones.


With such a promise, he had been very successful as an investor, achieving more than he could have hoped for. Yet, his heart remained filled with bitterness.


In this era of big data, individuals must clearly understand their goals and objectives. Ask yourself: What do you want to do? What knowledge must you acquire? What questions are you grappling with?


Living and working with a purpose and specific inquiries in mind can help carve your own path in life.


It is vital to living with questions and pursue your goals with determination, much like Tang Sanzang on his journey for sacred scriptures in the West. His singular objective was to obtain the scriptures and return to the Tang dynasty, the country that raised him.


Tang Sanzang\''s unwavering will and clear goals allowed him to succeed and ultimately accomplish his mission.


These qualities are also present in her, and they are her greatest strengths.


Individuals who drift aimlessly through life, following the crowd or being swept along by societal currents, are destined to be left behind.

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