he rested his feverish forehead against hers, but averted his gaze, refusing to meet her eyes. "I tried so hard, running around for Citizeness Saint-Clemont. But in the end, I failed to save her life. I had to leave; why didn''t I fall on the battlefield? I thought I would! At least then we wouldn''t have to face such a cruel separation like tonight!"
With shaking hands, she cupped his face and forced him to look at her. "I don''t hate you; but you''ve been so cruel to me! Why must we part ways? Must I lose you as well, after losing Charlene? Now tell me everything, Andre!"
He stared at her for a long while before finally speaking, his tone devoid of any concealment of despair. "My premonitions won''t be wrong. The conspiracy brewing within the committees is about to triumph; the final batch of republicans will enter their graves tomorrow! When the dawn rises, it will mark our eternal separation, Edith!"
There was no need for further explanation; she understood everything from his gaze. She lunged at him again, wrapping her arms around his neck, fiercely sucking and biting his lips in retaliation.
Andre turned his gaze once again to the window, staring at the rainstorm outside. The night sky at this moment took on an eerie blood-red hue, slowly seeping from the horizon like a torn wound oozing fresh blood.
"Ah, how tragic!" he spoke slowly, "Even in the midst of slaughter, we still harbour noble and merciful illusions! Cruel, fearsome