Mr.Shi thanked all his uests and wished theback.However,after everybody leaved,a sense of sadness welled up in his heart.He tooked a deap breath and spoke to hielf“what is the luckiness for us to leave in such ae.“ 他循俗与乡人互相贺喜一番,送客之后,却摇了摇头喟然微叹:“如此世道,何喜之有?” “Wa~~wu~~,WA~~,wu~~“the tears of a new baby ca out frothe bedroowhich joins the bonds of firecracker out side finally brins a sle in Yiru Shi''''s face“Any way,there is sothin to happy to about in these days.Mendie ave birth to this irl,we can have so joy now“” “呜哇,呜哇!”房内传出小儿啼声,与噼噼啪啪的“爆竿”声闹成一片,史逸如脸上掠过一丝笑意,想道:“要说有喜,那就是从今天起,多添了一个婴孩,家中可以热闹一些了。 Mr Shi went out of house and says to his bookboy“Pick four fruit boxes frothe presents,brin theMr Duan''''s house and invite hiover for a cup of wine “After ivin his strucions,a little doubt ca to his nd,“My brother Duan is always the first uy to ca and conratualte ,why he so late this year?“ 他吩咐阶前烧爆竿的书童:“你收了供品,给我拿四盒果品,到段大爷家去,并请他过来喝两杯。”心中颇为有点疑惑:“每年元旦,最早来拜年的必定是他,今年却何以这样迟迟未来?” The boy said “yes“,he was about to o when he find the con uy“My ster,it see that I can save a voyae,look who just ca!“ 书童应了一声,却忽地笑道:“老爷,不必去请了,你瞧,那不是段大爷来了?” 只听得有人朗声吟道:“节物风光不相待,桑田碧海须臾改。昔时金阶白玉堂,即今惟见青松在。寂寂寥寥史子居,年年岁岁一床书。幸有故人长相聚,黄鸡白酒醉相知。” 史逸如哈哈道:“卢照邻的诗给一改,倒成了即景之作了,段兄,黄鸡白酒,早已备好,待兄一醉,何以如今始来?” 我抑制不住喜悦,在朋友圈里发了。又把论坛链接发在群里。 都感觉现在梁羽生的小读者们就像是出国留学回来,然后带了点儿新鲜的,先进的玩意儿回来。 而捣尽玄霜说,她挑《大唐游侠传》来翻译,是因为男主铁摩勒出场不用吟诗,可谁想到《大唐游侠传》里还有卢照邻的诗,然后诗仙李白还会出场,这下是头疼了。 英文翻译中文,最难的莫过于诗词和俚语,别看一个是阳春白雪,一个是乡里巴人,对英文翻译来说,都挺容易引起头痛和脑热的。 我却正好跟着人家学英文,英文翻译的武