Solomon:“en. Nihao. MR.Gao Mr.Liang.”
梁博:“你好。Nice to meet you. Solomon.”
Solomon:“hahahaha. Let’s do some business.(哈哈哈哈。我们做点生意吧。)”
梁博:“Isn\''t a business? (这不就正做着生意嘛?)”
Solomon:“not this, some bigger.(不是这个,我们做点大生意。)”
梁博:“ok. You can tell us, what kind of business? Let’s see how big it is.(好呀。说来听听,啥生意?看看多大。)”
Solomon:“a business can help you win from loss. (帮你们反败为胜的生意。)”
梁博:“what? l didn\''t heard it clearly.(啥?没听清楚。)”
Solomon:“hahahaha. You heard it. (哈哈哈哈。你听清楚了的。)”
梁博:“how? You even not a lawyer. (怎样反败为胜呀?你都不是律师。)”
Solomon:“Isn\''t enough? You already saw . ( 难道还不够吗?你都看到了。)”
梁博:“dear friend, this is no good. Will go to the jail. (亲爱的新朋友,这样不好吧,会坐牢的。)”
Solomon:“business between friends, of course no jail. But, for MR.Gao, in the future, maybe not. ( 朋友之间做生意,肯定不会坐牢的。不过,高先生以后坐不坐牢,那可就不一定了。)”
梁博:“friend, this is blackmail. ( 朋友,你们这是敲诈呀。)”
Solomon:“hahahaha. No call police, is useless. You don\''t have evidence. Even you run us down, are you sure the relay will not to do the same business with you? In that time, your case will be know by everyone, everyone will stare at you, and we will