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17(3 / 5)

use all the relations we have in the count, It will only be judged by top penalty. Are you sure you will win? Come on, here is Ethobia, do the business with us is the best way. (哈哈哈哈。你也不用报警,报警没用。你没有证据。就算你把我们搞垮了,你确定其他人不会用同样的手段?到时候你们这个案子就出名了,所有人都会盯着,我们也会动用在法院的人脉,只会按顶格处罚来判。你确定你们就能赢?Come on。这是伊索比亚。和我们合作是最好的方式。)”

梁博:“my friend,how?(朋友,怎样合作?)”

Solomon:“we don\''t want too much. L know your penalty is at least this, but we only need this amount. (我们要的不多。我知道你们的罚金最少这个数,我们只要一半。)”


Solomon:“no more adventure, no more wast time. Less money solve this big trouble. (不用再冒风险,不用再浪费时间,用更少的钱解决这个大事。)”


Solomon:“then you will win and no penalty. (然后你们就能赢。不用支付任何罚金。)”

梁博:if we refused...(朋友呀,如果我们拒绝...)



Solomon:“yes. And will pay much more than the estimate now. Chinese is smart, you are most how to do business. ( 对。并且会支付更多远超目前预估的这个罚金。中国人很聪明的,你们最知道怎么做生意了。)”


小高:“How can I know you\''ll let us win actually after you take the money ? What if you eat your words? (我怎么确定你收了钱会真的让我们赢?你反悔怎么办?)”

Solomon:“There are many cases like yours every day in Ethobia. You trust us and cooperate with us that you will win half . If you don\''t, you will lose a hundred percent. (像你们这种案子,伊索比亚每天都有好多起。你相信我和我合作你有一半概率会赢,你要是不,那你们百分百会输。)”

检察官:“and lose badly. (而且输的很惨。)”

梁博思考了一下,说:“We can\'

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